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Various ways to pass data from controller to view in mvc 4

Sumit Kesarwani11435 10-Feb-2014

In this blog, I’m explaining what are the various ways to pass data from controller to view in mvc 4 application.


ViewData is a built-in dictionary object that can be accessed and set with string type key values. It is derived from “ViewDataDictionary” class and is a very handy data structure when it comes to passing data from Controller to View. The data is only alive for one request and cannot persist between request.

The only problem with ViewData is that the type casting is required for complex data types at the location where the data is being extracted.

HomeController.cs file code:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Mvc;
namespace PassDataControllerToView.Controllers
    publicclassHomeController : Controller
        // GET: /Home/
        publicActionResult Index()
            ViewData["Time"] = DateTime.Now.ToString();
            return View();

Index.cshtml file code:
    Layout = null;
       Current Time : @ViewData["Time"]<br/>


Various ways to pass data from controller to view in mvc 4


ViewBag data structure written as a wrapper over the ViewData so that the type casting for complex objects will not be required if we use ViewBag. ViewBag comes with all the benefits of ViewData with an additional benefit that type casting is not required

HomeController.cs file code:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Mvc;
namespace PassDataControllerToView.Controllers
    publicclassHomeController : Controller
        // GET: /Home/
        publicActionResult Index()
            ViewBag.Greeting = "Passing message from controller to view using VIEWBAG";
            return View();

Index.cshtml file code:
    Layout = null;


Various ways to pass data from controller to view in mvc 4


The best and recommended way to pass the data from a Controller to View is by using Model classes. If we create a strongly typed view than that view is capable of accessing the object/model that is being passed to it from the controller. So for most cases where we need to use some data we should create strongly typed views and pass on Model objects to the views.

HomeController.cs file code:
using PassDataControllerToView.Models;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Mvc;
namespace PassDataControllerToView.Controllers
    publicclassHomeController : Controller
        // GET: /Home/
        publicActionResult Index()
            return View();
        publicActionResult Student()
            Student student = newStudent();
            student.studentID = "1001";
            student.Name = "Mark david";
            student.Address = "New York";
            return View(student);

Student.cs file code:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
namespace PassDataControllerToView.Models
        publicstring studentID { get; set; }
        publicstring Name { get; set; }
        publicstring Address { get; set; }

Student.cshtml file code:
@model PassDataControllerToView.Models.Student
    Layout = null;
        Student ID : @Model.studentID<br/>
        Student Name : @Model.Name<br/>
        Student Address : @Model.Address


Various ways to pass data from controller to view in mvc 4


ViewData can be used to pass simple and small data from controller to the view. When we want to pass the data to the view from multiples class, then we create a class which contains the objects of all classes and the object of this will pass to the view. This type of class is called the ViewModel.

HomeController.cs file code:
using PassDataControllerToView.Models;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Mvc;
namespace PassDataControllerToView.Controllers
    publicclassHomeController : Controller
        // GET: /Home/
        publicActionResult Index()
            return View();
publicActionResult showStudentInfoWithMessage()
            Student student = newStudent();
            student.studentID = "1001";
            student.Name = "Jim Hamilton";
            student.Address = "New Jersey";
            Message msg = newMessage();
            msg.message = "Message is coming from Message Model Class";
            showStudentInfoWithMessage show = newshowStudentInfoWithMessage();
            show.student = student;
            show.message = msg;
            return View(show);

Student.cs file code:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
namespace PassDataControllerToView.Models
        publicstring studentID { get; set; }
        publicstring Name { get; set; }
        publicstring Address { get; set; }

Message.cs file code:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
namespace PassDataControllerToView.Models
        publicstring message { get; set; }

showStudentInfoWithMessage.cs file code:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
namespace PassDataControllerToView.Models
        publicStudent student { get; set; }
        publicMessage message { get; set; }

showStudentInfoWithMessage.cshtml file code:
@model PassDataControllerToView.Models.showStudentInfoWithMessage
    Layout = null;
        Student ID : @Model.student.studentID<br/>
        Student Name : @Model.student.Name<br/>
        Student Address: @Model.student.Address<br/><br/>
        Message : @Model.message.message


Various ways to pass data from controller to view in mvc 4


 When data transfer is done using ViewData or Viewbag, the data is only alive for current request. The data is lost if a redirection takes place i.e. one Action redirects to another action. For the scenarios where we need to persist the data between actions/redirection another dictionary object called TempData can be used. It is derived from TempDataDictionary. It is created on top of session. It will live till the redirected view is fully loaded.

HomeController.cs file code:
using PassDataControllerToView.Models;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Mvc;
namespace PassDataControllerToView.Controllers
    publicclassHomeController : Controller
        // GET: /Home/
        publicActionResult Index()
            return View();
publicActionResult bookData()
            Book book = newBook();
            book.BookID = "1001";
            book.BookName = "Science Book";
            TempData["BookData"] = book;
            return RedirectToAction("tempDataExample");
        publicActionResult tempDataExample()
            Book book = TempData["BookData"] asBook;
            return View(book);

Book.cs file code:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
namespace PassDataControllerToView.Models
        publicstring BookID { get; set; }
        publicstring BookName { get; set; }

tempDataExample.cshtml file code:
@model PassDataControllerToView.Models.Book
    Layout = null;
       Book ID : @Model.BookID<br/>
       Book Name :  @Model.BookName

Various ways to pass data from controller to view in mvc 4


Session is the way to persist the data till the current session is alive. If we need some data to be accessible from multiple controllers, actions and views then Session is the way to store and retrieve the data.

HomeController.cs file code:
using PassDataControllerToView.Models;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Mvc;
namespace PassDataControllerToView.Controllers
    publicclassHomeController : Controller
        // GET: /Home/
        publicActionResult Index()
            return View();
publicActionResult bookData2()
            Book book = newBook();
            book.BookID = "1001";
            book.BookName = "Science Book";
            Session["BookData"] = book;
            return RedirectToAction("sessionExample");
        publicActionResult sessionExample()
            Book book = Session["BookData"] asBook;
            return View(book);

sessionExample.cshtml file code:
@model PassDataControllerToView.Models.Book
    Layout = null;
        Book ID : @Model.BookID<br/>
        Book Name : @Model.BookName


Various ways to pass data from controller to view in mvc 4

Updated 18-Sep-2014

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